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Decrease Costs

How does Utopa Decrease Costs? Utopa decreases costs by making the business more efficient.

  • Speed up checkouts
  • Instantly recall any transaction or credit card charge
  • Quickly calculate your monthly sales tax
  • Maintain records for quarterly and annual accounting
  • Reduce Employee theft
  • View reports to monitor inventory and Sales
  • Reduce your cost of operating the web store
  • Increase security and reduce theft and fraud

Let's use the following example of time savings, valued at $12.00/ hour for a store with revenues of about $200,000:

Cost reduction action using utopa Hours saved Dollars saved
Reduce time required for researching transactions and credit charges 1 hr month $12/ month
Reduce time required for checkouts and order management 1 hr month $12/ month
Reduce time required for calculating sales tax and other accounting jobs 3 hr month $36/ month
Reduce theft and fraud with security tools $50/ month
Reduce your cost of operating web store or web presence 2 hr month $24/ month
View reports to monitor inventory and Sales 1 hr month $12/ month
Adjust staffing of the store with the best sales personnel and reduce staff during slow periods 8 hr month $96/ month
Eliminate unpopular inventory $1,000 onetime benefit
Additional Savings from implementing Utopa 8 hours/ month $242.00/ month

In the above example the store has total cost savings of $ 242/ month and $2904/ year. The store also has an additional onetime benefit from reducing unpopular inventory. This is a savings of 1.45% annually in costs.